ShoutCast V2 Software Notice: It has been brought to our attention by the Centova Cast support team that ID3 tags must not contain (what we call) weird accented characters like ú ç ü ã é ó and other strange characters.
This has nothing to do with the Centova Cast V3 software. It's a bug in the ShoutCast V2 software.
If you find that your Centova V3 server is restarting a lot then there is a good chance you have a file or files with accented characters.
If this is the case then you can download this nifty little MP3 Tag Tool program.
Centova is trying to get this ShoutCast V2 bug fixed but in the meantime, you will want to remove any accented characters within your ID3 tags.
If you need to fix up your ID3 tags MP3 Tag Tools is the way to go