Create a Stream to Twitter Poster in Azuracast

Step one: Create a web hook in Azuracast

In the Web Hooks tab (left sidebar), click the (+) button, and then choose Twitter post. Copy the exact URL and we will paste it later to your Twitter app in the Callback URLs field.

Create a web hook


Step two: Create a Twitter Developer account

In you don’t have a Twitter developer account, please create one (if you have, you can skip this and move to step 3). When applying for a developer account, I would suggest to choose the personal option. After that, just fill in all the required details properly, to avoid Twitter from disapproving your application.


Step three: Generate APIs by creating a Twitter app

Click the Create an app button to get started in creating your first app! Answer the required questions from Twitter. Do not tick  “Enable Sign in with Twitter”.

In the Callback URLs field, make sure to copy and paste the exact URL from your AzuraCast Twitter creation tab. If you have a website, you can add the URL and also add your TOS and privacy policy link.

Click save.

Create Twitter app


Step Four: Test the web hook

Finally, after adding the APIs, you can select what web hook trigger you want Twitter to post automatically. After that click save and test it.

* Troublshooting: “Found duplicate error”

– If you get this error, make sure that your web hook/Twitter app is tweeting only one web hook per station. You can’t use 2 different apps tweeting to one Twitter account. Otherwise, Twitter will detect it sooner and will response a 403 error after few minutes of successfully tweeting 2 radio stations in one account.

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